TerraZyme offers significant cost alternatives to standard road designs
Compared to this standard road design...
...this TerraZyme design can save 20% to 30% in costs...
...or up to 40% with this design
The Economics of TerraZyme
Road stabilization with TerraZyme offers significant economic alternatives to standard road designs. In the following examples, TerraZyme-stabilized road options are compared to standard road designs. Note that design strength has been maintained while costs have been significantly reduced.
Standard Road Design

AASHTO Structural Number modeling is supported by lab and field tests of stabilized materials to verify strength comparisons between design options. Using published correlations, standard test measurements are related to CBR values and structural coefficients, allowing cost comparisons between designs of similar strength.
TerraZyme Alternative #1

Alternative #1 Maintains the standard design strength while reducing or eliminating costly materials through stabilization of local materials or economical material blends for typical cost reductions of 20% - 30%. Laboratory verification of soil blends can be performed before project execution.
TerraZyme Alternative #2

Alternative # 2 improves the standard design through stabilization of available materials blended to optimize gradation and plasticity. The result is a maximum increase in stabilized strength. Note that savings of 40% are possible by thinking outside of the standard design and road materials. Cost comparisons to matching structural upgrades using traditional materials and designs generally favor stabilization.